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1 in 5 Indian men admit to forcing their wives into sex, according to ICRW 2011.

While our society and media is obsessed with rape stories, there is NO recognition of spousal rape happening within 1 in 5 homes in India.


Marriage is a relationship where love empowers both partners. Why must a woman be raped for the sake of marriage while her husband violates her bodily integrity?


Make Love Not Rape is a SOCIAL MOVEMENT to:

1- Raise awareness of the double standard towards rape when it is committed by a husband

2- Collect solidarity of people in India and around the world who recognize this crime and

3- Urge the Indian authorities to criminalize marital rape



In its 1993 declaration on the elimination of violence against women, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights established marital rape as a human-rights violation. However in many countries marital rape is NOT a criminal offence, including INDIA.Now is the time to change this fact.

Please visit my campaign website to find out more here and if you would like to get involved.

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